Saturday, March 7, 2009


jingre, noun: the Christmas holiday root crop. used for jingre ales and jingrebread.


houtoor, noun: so called high fashion for wannabes

Friday, February 27, 2009


, noun: wall-e's older and more indulgent brother.


sastryt, noun: what drunk people say when they agree with you.


ratins, noun: the crumbs or small debris left over after rats have raided a pantry.


dingst, noun: the pathetic offkey sound of a doorbell that is about to expire.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


chexpsy, adjective: a quality of being desirable that a man acquires when he asks the waiter for the check.


endatil, noun: the suicide drug. the drug that will "end it all"

Saturday, February 7, 2009


hersin, verb: cruisin' or taking a joyride around in a hearse


popsycwb, noun: elmer fudd's giant popsicle shaped like a caveman's club

Friday, January 30, 2009


knegal, noun: a self defense move using the knee that is allowed by law. mostly used by assertive women when being harassed by big bikers and construction workers.


sheing, verb: the act of being a female.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


ghtin, noun: a device very much like a guillotine but much smaller. used for vermin during the French revolution.


tuddarc, adjective: the lack or absence of light

Friday, January 16, 2009


vilessur, noun: a gourmet that specializes in exotic food that is so vile no one else would even think of eating it.


pershmob, noun: a dangerous and rabid group of shoppers waiting for the doors to open during a sale. they all want to get in first.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


gyrag, noun: a very old and beaten up t-shirt that a woman uses for cleaning but a guy still wears because he insists it is still suitable for home use.


I'm using "feusnesi" as my first Verificationary word just because it was the one provided by Blogger when I created this blog. So what does this mean?

Let's use it in a sentence.

(43 minutes later)

Ok, I'll just take a shot at defining it.

feusnesi, noun: the tiny little fuse on the tail of Nessy the Loch Ness monster; the archaic self destruct mechanism of the Loch Ness monster.

And the Word Verification of the Day Is...

I'm starting this blog because I just can't help it. Have you ever wondered where those strange sounding word verifications come from. More importantly, do they mean anything. Sometimes I can't help but think that they do. Or should.

Hence this blog. So in the spirit of Sniglets (by Rich Hall), I give you

* now what?